errand running business

How to Start an Errand Running Business

Starting an Errand Service for Busy Moms

If you’re looking to start your own venture and work from home, consider starting an errand business. An errand running company gives you the opportunity to assist individuals, make personal client relations, and make a pleasant salary. Great for your mom while the kids are at school.

People are busy these days, and they don’t have the time to make the necessary errands. So why don’t you start telling family and friends to start doing their errands, and then they can give you advice. You’re going to need those suggestions to get more work.

Support with shopping for presents or other things you like.

What you need to start an errand running business.

Ideal Customers for Errand Running

Start out first with people you know and then they will recommend you to their friends. Think about people in your community that might need help like a new mother, a mom who has her hands full with three kids, or even the elderly man you say “Hi” to when you see him walking his dog.

Also, seniors or other people that are home-bound can also benefit from an errand running business. Finally, consider also targeting affluent customers who work twelve-hour days and don’t have time to complete many tasks. There is always someone who would love help with their errands, I know I do! Just spread the word.

Errand Services

You can do grocery shopping. As a “concierge” or an owner of an errand-business, you have so many options. You can offer a number of services or you can specialize.
Some options include:

  • Shopping errands
  • Post office/shipping
  • Dry cleaning
  • Grocery shopping
  • Banking
  • Make Appointments
  • Buy travel or event tickets
  • Care for and walk dogs or take them to the veterinarian

A smart idea is to specialize in a particular form of role or service, such as financial tasks that would involve a high level of confidence. Study the competition to choose what services you sell and how you pay for them. You can charge an hour, an errand, or a bid for a package or membership fee. You are the boss and make sure you don’t price yourself too high or low. Discuss with family and friends to see what they also feel would be a fair price to charge.

Walking dogs is in high demand.

Start-Up Equipment

The beautiful thing about an errand business is that the start-up costs are meager. If you already own a reliable vehicle, your costs may be less than $100. However, you’ll also need a telephone and email address. Also, pick up a paper planner and also utilize apps that will help you keep everything in order and on time.

Most phones these days have email capability, texting, and instant messaging options, that will help your customers stay in touch with you. You’ll also want a computer, a website, and the means to invoice your customers. Paypal or Venmo are great options to set up payments for your customers.

Marketing Your Business

Your marketing strategy will initially be local. You’re going to want a consumer reference page and you’re going to want to be listed on local search engines like Google Places. You’re still going to want classified ads in the local news, Craigslist, and the yellow pages. Build a Facebook and Instagram account for your business, then tell your family and friends to share your business online.

Networking and word of mouth are potentially the primary outlets for clients. Help your clients distribute their messages and consider having a referral opportunity. Flyers and brochures are going to help spread the word.

An errand business is a great direction if you are personable and responsible. In addition, it will help if you are willing to start and grow a company focused on helping people. Study your competition, organize your company, and…

Get started today.

So let us know why you would like to run this type of business or would you use a service like this with your errands?

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